IČO: 76208982 VAT: CZ8510034764 DOB: 03/10/1985
p: +420602350358 e: jakub@vyvazil.cz
developer passionate about web
I am a developer based in Jihlava (Czech Republic). I do love PHP (10+y exp). Laravel, Nette, Symfony, Wordpress. I used jQuery but I prefer vue.js or React as a FE technology. And typescript.
I am used to be a part of the teams. Strong GIT skills. I am fluent english speaker and I prefer async communication methods if possible (and effective). I am familiar with code reviews, testing, merge/pull requests.
I work remotely for years.
I know how to quit Vim.
(Arch)Linux, Docker, GIT, PHP, JS, TypeScript, RabbitMQ, PHPUnit, HTML5, CSS (Bootstrap, SASS).
Relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL). SOLR, ElasticSearch.
Familiar with Jamstack: Hugo, Gatsby.
I also created few (native) Android apps.
CI, CD, testing, code review, merge request, pull request, agile, SCRUM, emails, clicking, double clicking, ...
Bachelor's degree (applied computer science)
Adaptation, improvisation.
I educate myself on the regular basis. Not using obsolete technologies for personal reasons.